CCExtractor's home page

How to chat with the team (for support, to join us, for GSoC, or anything else)

What's CCExtractor? (the software, not the organization)

About CCExtractor Development (the organization, not the software)



Using the command line tool

Build and use the CCExtractor flutter GUI

Using the Windows GUI [ARCHIVED]

Real time demo - Currently down, our primary source of data is moving to a new office and their infrastructure is not yet available.

Extracting burned-in subtitles

Extracting CEA-708 subtitles

Translating subtitles in real time

Using the cross-platform GUI [ARCHIVED]

Extracting closed captions from a DVD step by step tutorial

Working with HDHomeRun


TV samples


Cool external projects that use subtitles

Most of these pages are the result of Summer of Code work.

Getting started with our code

Rotating capture system with HDHomeRun

Subtitle standards around the world

Regression system

Online real time repository

Subtitle Downloader (user)

Subtitle Downloader (technical)

DVD Subtitles Technical Documentation GSoC'16

Python Extension Module Technical Documentation GSoC'17

Python Extension Module Compilation Documentation GSoC'17

Building CCExtractor inside a Vagrant box

Activity Extractor (user)

Activity Extractor (technical)

Google Code-in 2016 task list

Google Code-in 2017 code-in for designers

Google Code-in 2018

Google Code-in 2019 Welcome and introduction (start here)

Google Code-in 2019 Flutter

Google Code-in 2019 Mastermind

Ideas page for Summer of Code 2022

Ideas page for Summer of Code 2021

Ideas page for Summer of Code 2020

Ideas page for Summer of Code 2019

Ideas page for Summer of Code 2018

Welcome to Summer of Code 2016

Welcome to Summer of Code 2015

Ccextractor Bug Hunt

Ccextractor Tasks

CCExtractor unassigned tasks (pick what you like)

Blog Posts from our Students

Ideas page for Season of Docs 2019

Ideas page for Season of Docs 2020


Amit - Poor Man's Rekognition

Bowen - PiPot

Faiz - Poor Man's Rekognition

Sarfaraz - Poor Man's Rekognition

Shivam Kumar Jha - Sample Platform


Archit - FabBits

Aaditya - Project Nephos

Shivam Kumar Jha - Project Nephos

Saurabh Shrivastava - CCExtractor Web - A web application for subtitle extraction through CCExtractor.

Satyam Mittal - The sample platform / Continuous integration


Diptanshu - Python Extension Module (bindings) for CCExtractor

Saurabh - CCAligner - Word by Word Audio Subtitle Synchronisation

Satyam - Sample platform improvements (Windows testing)


Willem - Sample platform iteration 2

Abishek - Subtitle Extractor and CCExtractor improvements

Abhinav - Extract hard-coded subtitles from video streams

Shruti - News shot classification

Rishabh - DVD Subtitle Extraction

Ruslan - Real-time Repository and website

Vasanth - Commercial detection


Willem - Sample submission platform / CCExtractor improvements

Nurendra - Sentiment Analysis / Realtime Translation with Google Translate/Apertium

How to hire CCExtractor developers



Preparing for interviews (Silicon Valley style )

Useful linux tools

Articles about vim (the editor)