User Documentation for Activity Extractor

Activity Extractor aims to extract and download viewing activity from popular video streaming services including: Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. This process is automated and needs very little user interaction. It can be called from the command line with the streaming service as a parameter, and it outputs the viewing activity into a simple .txt file.

The program requires the user to have a valid login and password for the streaming service they wish to retrieve viewing activity from.

Clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone

If pip3 is not installed run this in a command window:

- sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
- sudo easy_install3 pip
- sudo mv /usr/local/bin/pip /usr/local/bin/pip-3

Run this in a command window:

 sudo pip3 install -U selenium

Make sure you have NodeJS installed ( Using Node's package manager run this in a command window:

 npm -g install phantomjs-prebuilt

Disclaimer: Use it at your own risk.

Open a command window in directory containing Run this command:

 python [service]

[service]: Put your streaming service here

Open a command window in directory containing Run this command:

 python [service] --email=[email] --password=[password]

[service] : Put your streaming service here [email] : Put your email address for the streaming service here [password]: Put your password here

If you're getting activity from Netflix, you must include an additional parameter:

... --user=[user]

[user] : Put your Netflix username here

Please report any errors on GitHub along with the error message for support.