CCExtractor tasks
This page is a compilation of the most important tasks from everyone's proposals. Those of you that are going to be working on the same things please talk among yourselves.
Add tasks and edit as needed.
We know that there were some proposals that included the exact same tasks. We preferred to pick the best students and not just the best proposals for each task. If you find yourself in a situation in which someone else is doing what you were planning to do, just replace that task with even a more interesting one :-) Don't get frustrated by this overlap. We are aware of it.
GSOC 2016 tasks
Task | Who | Depends | Planned dates | Status | Mentor notes |
Preprocessing burned in white subtitles | Abhinav | by Week 4 | Done | ||
Generating basic timed output files | Abhinav | by Week 5 | Done | ||
Adding support for colored and styled hard subtitles | Abhinav | by Week 7 | In Progress | ||
New user options and cascaded classifier | Abhinav | Working system for all types of subtitles | by Week 10 | In Progress | |
Test suite integration of Hardsubx | Abhinav | Completion of above tasks | by Week 12 | Not started |
GSOC 2015 tasks
Task | Who | Depends | Planned dates | Status | Mentor notes |
Real time translation with Apertium | Nurendra | Finished | |||
Real time translation with Google Translate | Nurendra | Finished | |||
Statistics of Stock Prices and their dependence on Twitter-mentions, TV-mentions | Nurendra | Real time uploading (Ruslan) | Finished | ||
Extension of test suite | Willem | Finished (for now) | |||
Sample submission and testing platform | Willem | In progress | |||
GitHub bot | Willem | Finished (for now) | |||
Complete support for EIA-708 | Anshul | Not started | |||
Implement Multi-Program | Anshul | Complete | |||
Multi-language Forced Alignment | Sai | Not started | |||
Real time translation with Google Translate | Oleg | In Progress | |||
Implement Multi-Program | Oleg | Not started | |||
Complete support for EIA-708 | Oleg | Not started | |||
Oleg: Please focus on Japanese support (and other non-Latin languages since Anshul will be finishing the decoder itself | Linux GUI | Oleg | Not started | ||
Oleg: Anshul has already something started, please coordinate with him | OSX GUI | Oleg | Not started | ||
Networking - server side | Ruslan | Not started | |||
Networking - client side | Ruslan | Not started | |||
Complete refactoring | Ruslan | Not started | |||
Commercial detection | Vasanth | Finished |