Micro Honeypot for RPi

Mentor: Willem Van Iseghem


PiPot is a honeypot server which pretends as a potential target for attackers from network and collect the attack data. It also has the ability to deploy more instances to make it harder to get information from the real one. The goal of this GSOC project is to improve the functionality and scalability of the current PiPot.

Project repo - https://github.com/PiPot

Completed work(PR)


To install pipot, please follow the installation section. When install sever, answer each question carefully to set up the right config. If you want to run the pipot server locally for test, you can simply run python run.py under server. (Assume you don't use localhost as IP address in installation, otherwise you need to close nginx by service nginx stop to free the address)

Future work

  • have container based notification uploading, ideally check the requirement before actually applied to pip install
  • develop tests to improve the test coverage
  • update the image deployment to support the latest Raspberry Pi model
  • set up a mailing notification service to report the collected data
  • password change/get back user name using mail verification