Flood Mobile.


  • Jesse Chan (Slack handle: @jesse). Jesec is the primary maintainer of the flood API which is consumed by the Flood-Mobile app as the backend.
  • Akshat Tripathi (Slack handle: @Akshat Tripathi). Akshat is a GSoC'22 participant with CCExtractor Development. He made contributions to the Flood-Mobile Project.

Project Brief

Flood is a monitoring service for various torrent clients. It's a Node.js service that communicates with your favorite torrent client and serves a decent mobile UI for administration.

Your Job

The project was started in GSoC 21' to be a companion app for the Flood service. We utilize its backend and provide a user friendly mobile interface. This time around we hope to expand on that by making app more stable and improve the app's experience by integrating some more features. The below are the ideas for GSoC'23:

  1. Migrating from Providers to Riverpod/bloc.
  2. Improved testing after Riverpod/bloc implementation.
  3. Language enhancements.
  4. User Interface option in settings.
  5. Power management features under settings.
  6. Improve the notification support.
  7. Sort by Added Date, File Size, Percent Download etc in homesceen.
  8. Fastlane Setup.

Qualification tasks

Take a look at this page.