~~META: title = Google Summer of Code 2019 - PiPot (A micro honeypot for RPi) ~~
PiPot (A micro honeypot for RPi)
PiPot was developed as part of a master thesis of one of the main contributors of CCExtractor. Due to time constraints it didn't see a lot of love the last few years, and that's where you could come in!
There is a "small" list of improvements that could be made to the platform, and which we'd love to see implemented, so that the platform is more usable in general.
The full list is available on the issues page of the main repository, but is not exhaustive. We'd also love to see some integrations with other existing honeypots.
Getting started / Requirements
The honeypot software is written in Python, so we expect good knowledge of Python. Basic HTML, Javascript & CSS knowledge is also required. Bash scripting knowledge will also be required for the tasks.
We make use of quite some libraries, and we expect you to read up on the documentation of these platforms so you know how they work in general.
If you are interested in taking up this project during GSoC, you will need to satisfy these requirements (in order of importance, not all are a necessity): - A well researched, well written project proposal. - Proof you've set up PiPot locally on a Raspberry Pi (preferred), or on your local PC. - Fixed a bug, improved installation documentation, ... (contributed something to the project). - Have chatted with the mentor(s) at least once.
- Willem Van Iseghem (@canihavesomecoffee on Slack) is a former GSoC student (2014, 2015, 2016) and mentor (2017, 2018). He wrote the software for his Master thesis and is the official (and currently sole) maintainer.